On Monday 29 March 2010 13:56:51 Atomfried wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to perform a surface plot a NxM matrix with date-axes?
> Similar to plot_date for 1D-Plots. The dates are available as an N-sized
> (or M-sized) array of float values.
> At the moment, I am using imshow or matshow for the color plots, but the
> only way I found to manipulate the axes is the 'extent' keyword argument,
> which is not sufficient in this context.
> Any hints?
> Micha

Hi Micha,

Did you already set the date-xaxis by hand?
-> for axes 'ax' using e.g.

I would hope that extent and this together yield your aim, but I'm not so 
familiar with date-axes. 

Kind regards,

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