Thanks Friedrich,

However, my knowledge of python is very limited, even though I think I
understood what you suggested I do not know how to get the shape (of
the figure?) for this part:

>>> fig.set_size_inches(float(shape[0]) / dpi, float(shape[1]) / dpi)

error is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 108, in <module>
    fig.set_size_inches(float(shape[0]) / dpi, float(shape[1]) / dpi)
TypeError: 'function' object is unsubscriptable

It seems that it ended up calling a function shape instead of a variable shape.

I'm sending attached the script if you are interested in looking at it.

Thanks again. Filipe.

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Friedrich Romstedt
<> wrote:
> 2010/3/28 Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes <>:
> > Hello list
> > I've trying for a while a "python only" solution to remove white spaces that
> > Basemap generate to keep the aspect ratio. I found these two threads that
> > explain  the issue better:
> I think maybe you can make use of the Agg Backend to achieve a
> Python-only solution to obtain a PIL Image from a figure without
> bypassing over the HDD:
> Furthemore, if this doesn't work, maybe you can use a StringIO as
> "file", then seek() the StringIO and reread with PIL from the
> "file-like" StringIO, or something like that?
> #
> # Render the Figure to a PIL Image ...
> #
> # Prepare figure to be of pixel extent *shape* ...
> dpi = figure.dpi
> figure.set_size_inches(float(shape[0]) / dpi, float(shape[1]) / dpi)
> # Create the rendering Canvas ...
> #
> # We also convert the picture to an RGB string.
> canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(figure)
> canvas.draw()
> image_string = canvas.tostring_rgb()
> # Create a PIL Image from RGB string ...
> image = Image.fromstring("RGB", shape, image_string)
> # Now do whatever you want with the Image.
> Friedrich
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# update brazillian states database, this one is too old!!!!

import sys
import os

""" import basemap and pylab """
  from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
except ImportError:
    print "Basemap not found."

    import matplotlib
    from pylab import *
except ImportError:
    print "Matplotlib not found."

# parse args (ugly!)
if len(sys.argv) == 6:
    lonmin = float(sys.argv[2])
    lonmax = float(sys.argv[3])
    latmin = float(sys.argv[4])
    latmax = float(sys.argv[5])
    lonlat = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1])
    lonpt  = lonlat[:,0]
    latpt  = lonlat[:,1]
elif len(sys.argv) == 5:
    lonmin = float(sys.argv[1])
    lonmax = float(sys.argv[2])
    latmin = float(sys.argv[3])
    latmax = float(sys.argv[4])
    sys.exit("""\nMust provide at least 4 arguments!!!
             A 2 column file with longitue and latitute of the points (optional)
             and the lon lat limits for the map.
             e.g.: blueearth-map lonlat.dat -87.5  -22.5  -59.5   14.5\n""")

m = Basemap( projection = 'merc',
             llcrnrlat = latmin, urcrnrlat = latmax,
             llcrnrlon = lonmin, urcrnrlon = lonmax,
             resolution = 'c' ) # crude coastlines resolution

""" create figure and associate axes with Basemap """
fig  = figure()
ax   = fig.add_subplot(111) = ax

""" add a non bluearth alternative"""
#m.drawlsmask(land_color='grey',ocean_color='None', lakes=True)

""" plot points """
    xc,yc = m(lonpt,latpt)
    #m.plot(xc,yc,'ro', alpha = 0.5, markersize=2)
    m.plot(xc,yc,'ro', markersize=2)
    if lonpt.min() < lonmin:
        print "\n some points are out of bounds (min longitude) \n"
    if lonpt.max() > lonmax:
        print "\n some points are out of bounds (max longitude) \n"
    if latpt.min() < latmin:
        print "\n some points are out of bounds (min latitude) \n"
    if latpt.max() > latmax:
        print "\n some points are out of bounds (max latitude) \n"
    print "\n No lon/lat file to plot \n"

savefig('blueearthmap.png', dpi=300)

""" trim method 1 """
from PIL import Image
im ="blueearthmap.png")

def trim(im, border):
  from PIL import ImageChops
  bg =, im.size, border)
  diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
  bbox = diff.getbbox()
  if bbox:
      return im.crop(bbox)
      # found no content
      raise ValueError("cannot trim; image was empty")

show() # allow user to save to a different filename and format, but it won't be cropped!'blueearthmap.png',format='png')

""" trim method 2 """
#os.system('convert -trim blueearthmap.png blueearthmap.png')

""" trim method 3 """
#Render the Figure to a PIL Image
# Prepare figure to be of pixel extent *shape*
dpi = fig.dpi
fig.set_size_inches(float(shape[0]) / dpi, float(shape[1]) / dpi)

# Create the rendering Canvas. We also convert the picture to an RGB string.
canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
image_string = canvas.tostring_rgb()

# Create a PIL Image from RGB string ...
image = Image.fromstring("RGB", shape, image_string)
# Now do whatever you want with the Image.
im3 = trim(image, 'white')
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