On Thursday 01 April 2010 12:27:59 timothee cezard wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have several graph to create and the position on the x axis can vary
> quite a lot.
> Most of the time I'm quite happy with the default behavior but when my x
> values are very high matplotlib automatically change the ticks and set a
> scale on the axis (see screenshot)
> <http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/6834/chab052195802198642shif.png>
> I looking for a way to change the default behavior to get a scale in
> 10E** instead of some random scale.
> Is there a simple way of doing that?
> Thanks a lot for your help
> Tim

Hi Tim,

the "random scale" you are observing is the originalscale, where "some useful" 
offset has been substracted and is shown in the lower right.
You can circumvent this behaviour by using your own Formatter like a 
ScalarFormatter withour offset:
  formatter = plt.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)
Furthermore you can switch off the scientific formatting (extracting a common 
prefactor) using
Applying this formatter to the current axes:

or a string-formatter like
  majorFormatter = plt.FormatStrFormatter('%.5e')
 majorFormatter = plt.FormatStrFormatter('%g')

Kind regards,

PS: By the way, you should start a new thread for a new topic (sending a new 
mail to mpl-users) instead of responding to another message.

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