Can anyone else confirm this bug?  It was giving me fits for a while.
I can't control the size of markers in my plots.

Here is an old post describing exactly my problem:

I am running python 2.6.4, ipython 0.10, and matplotlib 0.99.0.

And what the heck are the line objects in the legend?  Are there
separate marker objects that I am missing?
I tried messing with the legend.get_lines() objects, but these have
marker types "None".  Where are the marker objects I see in my legend?

For those that also run across this problem, here is a hack I used to
overcome the problem:
from pylab import *
x = [1,2,3]; y = [1,2,3]
In other words, make a plot object that has a label, with larger
markers, but no data (NaN's).

Thanks for any help,
Levi K.

The Original post (September 2008):
Dear matplotlib users.

I'm using matplotlib 0.98.3 from the packman repository on opensuse 11.0.
I tried to adjust the 'markerscale option to enlarge a marker size in a
However, it simply did not work even in a simple code like following.

from pylab import *
x = [1,2,3]; y = [1,2,3]

I could only get a legend marker in a same size with the plot marker.

I tried to reinstall all the packages related with python, including
the legend marker size, however, does not change.

Please help me here to change the legend marker size.


Yong-Duk Jin

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