On 4/5/10 7:25 AM, Will Hewson wrote:
I should perhaps of explained my code (included in top post) a little better,
the values in my attached file aren't on a regular grid to start with, I do
a little bit of juggling as follows to get them into a regular grid:

I'm firstly setting up my 2D grid of 0.5 degree lat lons, followed by
identically sized grids of zeros for the data bin, and mean divisors:

x = np.arange(-180, 180, 0.5); y = np.arange(-90, 90, 0.5)
grid_lon, grid_lat = np.meshgrid(x,y) #regularly spaced 2D grid
n_vals = np.zeros((360,720)) #mean divisor
dat = np.zeros((360,720)) #2D grid of zeros

I'm then taking my input data (e.g. the .plt file attached), and rounding
the lat lons to the nearest 0 or 0.5:

lon = (np.around(lon*2))/2 #round to nearest .0 or 0.5
lat = (np.around(lat*2))/2 #round to nearest .0 or 0.5

Then for each row in my input file where Z is greater than 0, I'm adding the
n'th Z value to its corresponding position in the dat zeros array, and
keeping a count of how many values are going into each cell in the mean
divisor array:

for i in slcol:
   if lon[j]<  0:
     grid_lon_ind = 360+(lon[j]*2)
     grid_lat_ind = 180+(lat[j]*2)
     grid_lon_ind = 360-(lon[j]*2)
     grid_lat_ind = 180+(lat[j]*2)
   if i>  0:
     dat[grid_lat_ind, grid_lon_ind] += i #add i'th value
     n_vals[grid_lat_ind, grid_lon_ind] += 1 #increase cell counter by 1 for
each extra value

Finally the new dat array is divided by the mean divisor array to give me my
mean Z values:

dat = np.nan_to_num(dat/n_vals)

I've done it this way as opposed to interpolating *properly* in order to
(for instance) stop the values bleeding away from the edges of the satellite



Will: I made some slight modifications to your original script and it works fine with the ortho projection using either contourf on the original lat/lon grid or pcolormesh on the interpolated map projection grid.


Jeff Whitaker wrote:
On 4/5/10 4:16 AM, Will Hewson wrote:
Hey Jeff,

It's somewhere between the two - the original satellite swath is
to a regular 0.5 degree grid by truncating, binning, and averaging each
point's lons and lats over the top of a 720 x 360 np.zeros array. the
plotting still works fine for non ortho/ hemispherical projections, and
no big problem with using global projections for the time being. Thanks
your help in the meantime anyway.



Will:  If it's a regular 0.5 degree lat/lon grid, it should work in
transform_scalar.  However, I don't see how to read the data in your
test.plt file into a regular 360x720 grid.  It seems to only contain the
points in the swath with nonzero values.


Jeff Whitaker wrote:

On 4/4/10 11:06 AM, Will Hewson wrote:

Hi again Jeff et al...

I've had a play around with the extra few lines of code - on paper this
seems like it should solve the problems I'm experiencing. However, an
error's being thrown up by the transform scalar function, as my lons
lats won't necessarily be increasing. The data I'm plotting is
data and so at the beginning and end of the orbit file lats go over the
from 90 to -90, with a similar problem for the lons - whereby the data
taken across the satellite track. I've thought about sorting the data
passing it to transform_scalar but I'm always going to be left with the
problem in either lats or lons.

I've uploaded the file I'm currently working with this time. It's three
columns of lons, lats and z values.

Once again, many thanks for your help.


http://old.nabble.com/file/p28133659/test.plt test.plt

Will:  Is it a regular lat/lon grid or a satellite swath?  If it's the
latter, you can't use my solution.


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