On 05/16/2010 10:19 AM, Philipp K. Janert wrote:
> Let's say I am running an interactive session
> (ipython -pylab), and now issue the following
> commands:
>       x = linspace(0, 10, 100 )
>       plot( x, sin(x) )
>       ylim( -2, 2 )
>       plot( x, cos(x) )
> Then the second plot command seems to reset
> the plot limits to [-1,1] - which makes sense for
> the figure, but is not what I requested.
> Is this behavior intended? It seems odd to me,
> since generally matplotlib seems to retain state
> that has between invocations of plot().

Good question.  The control of autoscaling has a somewhat clunky 
interface via Axes methods, and via the plot function.  Your two options 
are to follow the ylim call with the ugly


or to add a kwarg to all subsequent plot calls:

plot(x, cos(x), scaley=False)

A possible mpl improvement would be to add a kwarg to the pyplot.ylim 
and xlim functions, e.g.

ylim(-2, 2, keep=True)

Calling the kwarg "hold" would read better to my eye, but would conflict 
with the use of "hold" to mean "keep all prior plot elements".  Maybe 
there is a better name, e.g. setting "auto=False" to mean "don't 
autoscale this on the next plot command".  Or "save=True". I suspect we 
would have to leave the default behavior as it is for continuity and 
backwards compatibility, although I think that changing it would be an 
improvement overall.



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