
my problem is that I need a graph with a discontinous y-axis. Let me  
explain the problem: in my field (microbiology) the data generated  
from for example growth assays have a huge range (10^0-10^9), which  
has to be plotted on a semilogy style plot (cell concentration vs.  
time). The problem is that 0 cells is a useful number to plot  
(indicates cell concentration lower than detection limit), but of  
course not possible to show in a log diagram. This is easily solved on  
old-style logarithmic graph paper; since the data will be either 0, or  
 >1 it is customary just to draw a zero x-axis at 10^-1 on the paper  
and that's that. On the computer, this is extremely hard. Most people  
I know resort to various tricks in Excel, such as entering a small  
number (0.001 etc) and starting the y-axis range from 10^1 to hide the  
problem. This makes excel draw a line, instead of leaving out the dot  
and line entirely. The part of the curve below the x-axis is then  
manually cut off in a suitable image editor. Needless to say, this is  
extremely kludgy. Even professional graphing packages like Graphpad  
Prism resort to similar kludges (re-define 0 values to 0.1, change the  
y-axis tick label to "0" etc.) This problem of course exists in other  
fields, while investigating a solution I found a guy who worked with  
aerosol contamination in clean rooms, and he needed to plot values  
logarithmically, at the same time as showing detector noise around  
1-10 particles. He solved it by the same trick I would like to do in  
Matplotlib, namely plotting a standard semilogy plot but with the  
10^-1 to 10^0 decade being replaced by a 0-1 linear axis on the same  

The guy in this post has the same problem and a useful example:

His partial solution is quite bad though, and I just got stuck while  
trying to improve it. I looked around the gallery for useful examples,  
and the closest I could find is the twinx/twiny function, but I didn't  
manage a plot that put one data curve across both axes.

This code gives an image that maybe explains what I'm trying to do:

t = array([0,1,2,4,6,9,12,24])
y = array([1000000, 500000, 100000, 100, 5, 1, 0, 0])
subplot(111, xscale="linear", yscale="log")
errorbar(x, y, yerr=0.4*y)
linbit = axes([0.125, 0.1, 0.775, 0.1],frameon=False)
for tl in linbit.get_yticklabels():

(the y=0 points should be plotted and connected to the line in the log part)

Is this possible to do in matplotlib? Could someone give me a pointer  
on how to go on?

Sorry for the long mail,



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