On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Nico Schlömer
<nico.schloe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When tick labels are explicitly supplied, that may not actually
> reflect in the return result of get_ticks. Specifically, I set the
> tick labels in a color bar, but get_ticklabels() returns a list of
> empty text objects Text(0,0,'').
> For regular axes, that seems to work better.

How did you set your ticklabels?
Again, matplotlib does not guarantee that all ticks that are returned
by get_ticks() will be actually drawn. On other words, get_ticks may
return ticks that are meaningless (and this is not a bug).
Also, colorbar axes works slightly differently from normal axes, but
I'm not sure if this is related with your problem.

As far as I can say, the use of get_ticks(), get_ticklabels() and etc
method should be limited to when you want to view/change their artist
attributes (like colors, etc.). You should not rely on this to
determine things like, whether some ticks will be drawn, locations of
ticks, and etc.



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