Benjamin Root wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Jeff Whitaker < 
>     Ben:  That's why you should use the basemap methods where possible
>     (they handle these things for you).
> Yeah, that wasn't possible in my case.  In addition, not all pyplot 
> plotting functions are available (nor do I expect Basemap to have all of 
> them available).

Though it would be nice to add more as we need them. I assume Jeff will 
take contributions.

I need to be able to draw a filled polygon from coordinates in memory, 
for instance, but didn't see a way to do this directly. If I get a 
chance, I will look into .drawshapefile(), and figure I can see how to 
do it from there.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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