On Jul 2, 2010, at 7:43 AM, John Hunter wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Russell E. Owen <ro...@uw.edu> wrote:
>> matplotlib-0.99.3-Apple-py2.6-macosx10.6.dmg
>> for your existing binary, and
>> matplotlib-0.99.3-python-py2.5-macosx10.4.dmg
>> matplotlib-0.99.3-python-py2.6-macosx10.4.dmg
> OK, this is done.  Thanks for the builds and naming suggestions.  Do
> you think we should replace the eggs on the site with your builds and
> names as well, and importantly, if so, are you able to build them?  My
> OSX builds were initially curtailed when my powerbook died.  William
> Stein and the sage project gave me remote access to one of their OSX
> build boxes and that was working for a while but then they upgraded to
> 10.6 64bit and that broke the build environment again for a while and
> I don't have an easy way to configure that machine with the various
> builds of python and associated tools that I need.  In short, I am not
> the best person to do the OSX builds and am wondering if you would be
> interested in doing the OSX binaries for upcoming releases.  We are
> working to get 1.0 out ASAP -- possibly over the weekend or early next
> week depending on our efforts to quash a couple of remaining bugs.
> Would you be able to do the OSX binary builds for 1.0 too?
> Thanks,

I would be happy to make the Mac binary builds for matplotlib (at least the 
ones I know how to make -- for python.org 32-bit).

I personally suggest not building Mac eggs -- at least until easy_install gets 
really cleaned up. Right now it tends to try to download stuff it has no 
business downloading and it doesn't check for compatibility. The binary 
installer is much safer. But if you insist and have easy instructions I will do 

I suspect I didn't fully answer your question, but I'm not sure what else you 
want to know so I'll ask you to rephrase any remaining issues.

I'm a bit worried about what will happen when I eventually upgrade my work 
computer to 10.6 (it's our last remaining 10.5 machine at the moment). But 
since I have ready access to 10.6 computers I should see if I can do a working 
build on 10.6 with the binaries I already created on 10.5. (That is likely to 
work, and may save a lot of trouble -- at least until those versions of 
libfreetype, etc. get old enough to need upgrading). I don't see myself going 
to 64-bit for a long time since I have to keep my work machine as compatible as 

It is very exciting to hear that matplotlib 1.0 is so close.


-- Russell

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