Dear Matplotlib developers,

first of all my congratulations with the excellent 1.0 release, great work!

I currently use a custom compiled 64 bit version of Python 2.6.
But I would like to switch to the prebuild binaries for Python 2.7 as
soon as possible.
Are there any plans for supplying matplotlib 1.x dmg installers for
Python 2.7 (including 64 bit support on OSX)?

Kind regards,

Pim Schellart

P.S. I quickly tried compiling matplotlib from source against Python
2.7 which worked (after setting PREFIX=/usr/local and PYVERSION=2.7 in
make.osx and compiling with sudo make -f make.osx fetch deps mpl_build
mpl_install && sudo python install) but failed with a
segfault on import.

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