2010/7/30 Jeremy Conlin <jlcon...@gmail.com>:
> I recently installed MPL on two Macs, one running 10.6 and another
> running 10.5.  When I try to plot, I get the following error:
> TclError: couldn't open
> "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/images/home.ppm":
> permission denied
> After checking, it's true that only the owner has read permissions.
> This is easy enough on my end, but I wonder if there is a problem with
> the distributed installer that should have the correct permissions for
> these images.
> Has anyone else seen this problem or is it just me?

Yes, we had this problem recently (Jul 12) on the list under subject
"permission denied error" started by Isaac Salazar <i...@lanl.gov>.

I didn't think it was a problem of the installer ... But seems it is.


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