I am trying to save the frames from a matplotlib animation and I have a 
question that is undoubtedly based on a profound lack of understanding about 
how matplotlib/python works, but I'm hoping someone can offer me an 
explanation.  The following code is excerpted from the animation examples 
"animation_blit_wx.py".  The example works fine unless I include the #***** 
line meant to record the animations in included.  If the line is included, the 
animated line is no longer drawn to the screen or to the sequence of plots I am 
trying to save.  That is, the background is displayed and saved, but not the 
animated line.  Why?

def update_line(*args):
    global blit_time

    if update_line.background is None:
        update_line.background = canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox)

    # restore the clean slate background
    # update the data
    # just draw the animated artist
    # just redraw the axes rectangle

    t = time.time()
    blit_time += time.time() - t
    #***** plt.savefig('f' + str(update_line.cnt) + '.png') *****

    if update_line.cnt == NBLITS:
        # print the timing info and quit
        frame_time = time.time() - tstart
        print '%d frames: %.2f seconds' % (NBLITS, frame_time)
        print '%d blits:  %.2f seconds' % (NBLITS, blit_time)
        print 'FPS: %.2f' % (NBLITS/frame_time)
        print 'BPS: %.2f' % (NBLITS/blit_time)

    update_line.cnt += 1

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