2010/8/25 Jeff Whitaker <jsw...@fastmail.fm>:
> gcc-4.2 is the default compiler for 10.6 - I wonder if you need to
> upgrade your dev tools?  Xcode 3.2.2 is available for download (free
> with registration) from Apple.

No, he's using Python.org Python I believe, and that was compiled with
gcc-4.0.  So distutils picks up gcc-4.0, and that is correct.

can you give some more lines of the output, or post the complete log
in some pastebin?  Please give the output starting from the offending
gcc call at least.

I just do not recall atm what the problem is people have when coming
with this issue, so please help me a little ;-)

python setup.py build (or install) is a good approach, it gives you
more control than make.osx.  Be aware of that nevertheless the
official approach others on this list will recommend seems to be
make.osx (sorry John), and most people use that.  But make.osx afaik
**installs libraries in your /usr/local directory without asking you
if you want that**, if you do not take special care before (John,
please correct me if I'm wrong here!  But it is what I remember from
my glimpse into make.osx).  Bear that in mind.  I believe it's better
to compile the libs (like freetype and pnglib) yourself where you know
what you're doing.

So, have you compiled at all and if yes using which compiler freetype2
and libpng 1.4?  The records of this list are outdated in that respect
that *no* additional tuning is necessary with mpl 1.0 now to use
libpng 1.4 instead of the older 1.2.

When mpl setup.py starts there is a section between ====== lines, can
you please post also that.

Ah, and for sure you should modify your setupext.py, search for
'darwin' and add in the dictionary entry you will find, '/usr/local'
to the list of the dict value for the key 'darwin'.  Then the libs
installed will be found.  Before this is unlikely.


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