Hello, I've used matplotlib for a while but never had cause to ask a
question until now. I am trying to add a patch to an axis, but would like
the patch to remain the same size when, interactively, I resize the
resulting figure. I am using TkAgg, and trying the following:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import matplotlib.patches as patches
>>> ax = plt.gca()
>>> cp = patches.Circle((.5,.5),.025)
>>> ax.add_patch(cp)
>>> ax.set_aspect('equal')
>>> plt.draw()
>>> plt.show()

This gives me a nice blue circle in the middle of the plot, and using
ax.set_aspect('equal') I know that it will not be distorted into an ellipse.
But is there a way to ensure that when I make the Tk window bigger, that the
circle appears to be the same size as it was previously? I assume this would
entail some sort of transform, but I don't quite understand how they work...

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