On Sep 9, 2010, at 10:53 AM, Bernardo Rocha wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to know if it is possible (I guess it is) and how can I do a 
> plot such as the one in the attached figure?
> Could someone help me with this? I know that this one was done in gnuplot, 
> but I would like to use matplotlib.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bernardo M. R.

Hi Bernardo,

I have some functions which I use to draw slope markers (attached). There are 
examples of how to use it in the if-main block at the bottom of the file. It 
should be simple enough to use and works for linear and log scales.

The functions have grown sort of organically, so they're not as polished as 
they could be. In particular, the handling of linear/log scales could be 
refactored (probably by making slope marker a subclass of Polygon). Anyway, I 
haven't gotten around to cleaning things up, but the functions are very usable 
as is.

Hope that helps,

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def slope_marker(origin, slope, size_frac=0.1, pad_frac=0.1, ax=None,
    """Plot triangular slope marker labeled with slope.
    origin : (x, y)
        tuple of x, y coordinates for the slope
    slope : float or (rise, run)
        the length of the slope triangle
    size_frac : float
        the fraction of the xaxis length used to determine the size of the slope
        marker. Should be less than 1.
    pad_frac : float
        the fraction of the slope marker used to pad text labels. Should be less 
        than 1.
    invert : bool
        Normally, the slope marker is below a line for positive slopes and above
        a line for negative slopes; `invert` flips the marker.
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    if np.iterable(slope):
        rise, run = slope
        slope = float(rise) / run
        rise = run = None
    x0, y0 = origin
    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
    dx_linear = size_frac * (xlim[1] - xlim[0])
    dx_decades = size_frac * (np.log10(xlim[1]) - np.log10(xlim[0]))
    if invert:
        dx_linear = -dx_linear
        dx_decades = -dx_decades

    if ax.get_xscale() == 'log':
        log_size = dx_decades
        dx = _log_distance(x0, log_size)
        x_run = _text_position(x0, log_size/2., scale='log')
        x_rise = _text_position(x0+dx, dx_decades*pad_frac, scale='log')
        dx = dx_linear
        x_run = _text_position(x0, dx/2.)
        x_rise = _text_position(x0+dx, pad_frac * dx)
    if ax.get_yscale() == 'log':
        log_size = dx_decades * slope
        dy = _log_distance(y0, log_size)
        y_run = _text_position(y0, -dx_decades*slope*pad_frac, scale='log')
        y_rise = _text_position(y0, log_size/2., scale='log')
        dy = dx_linear * slope
        y_run = _text_position(y0, -(pad_frac * dy))
        y_rise = _text_position(y0, dy/2.)
    x_pad = pad_frac * dx
    y_pad = pad_frac * dy

    va = 'top' if y_pad > 0 else 'bottom'
    ha = 'left' if x_pad > 0 else 'right'
    if rise is not None:
        ax.text(x_run, y_run, str(run), va=va, ha='center')
        ax.text(x_rise, y_rise, str(rise), ha=ha, va='center')
        ax.text(x_rise, y_rise, str(slope), ha=ha, va='center')
    ax.add_patch(_slope_triangle(origin, dx, dy))

def log_displace(x0, dx_log=None, x1=None, frac=None):
    """Return point displaced by a logarithmic value.
    For example, if you want to move 1 decade away from `x0`, set `dx_log` = 1,
    such that for `x0` = 10, we have `displace(10, 1)` = 100
    x0 : float
        reference point
    dx_log : float
        displacement in decades.
    x1 : float
        end point
    frac : float
        fraction of line (on logarithmic scale) between x0 and x1
    if dx_log is not None:
        return 10**(np.log10(x0) + dx_log)
    elif x1 is not None and frac is not None:
        return 10**(np.log10(x0) + frac * np.log10(float(x1)/x0))
        raise ValueError('Specify `dx_log` or both `x1` and `frac`.')

def _log_distance(x0, dx_decades):
    return log_displace(x0, dx_decades) - x0

def _text_position(x0, dx, scale='linear'):
    if scale == 'linear':
        return x0 + dx
    elif scale == 'log':
        return log_displace(x0, dx)
        raise ValueError('Unknown value for `scale`: %s' % scale)

def _slope_triangle(origin, dx, dy, ec='none', fc='0.8', **poly_kwargs):
    """Return Polygon representing slope.
         / | dy
    verts = [np.asarray(origin)]
    verts.append(verts[0] + (dx, 0))
    verts.append(verts[0] + (dx, dy))
    return plt.Polygon(verts, ec=ec, fc=fc, **poly_kwargs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    plt.plot([0, 2], [0, 1])
    slope_marker((1, 0.4), (1, 2))
    x = np.logspace(0, 2)
    fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2)
    ax1.loglog(x, x**0.5)
    slope_marker((10, 2), (1, 2), ax=ax1)
    ax2.loglog(x, x**-0.5)
    slope_marker((10, .4), (-1, 2), ax=ax2)
    ax3.loglog(x, x**0.5)
    slope_marker((10, 4), (1, 2), invert=True, ax=ax3)
    ax4.loglog(x, x**0.5)
    slope_marker((10, 2), 0.5, ax=ax4)
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