Lab Rat, Ben;

Yes, you could use the ternary code I've put together to do the CAC  
plots in 2D; defining a complete triangular grid and triangular  
patches would be easy.

If I'm reading the examples correctly, all the third-dimension  
information duplicates the color information.

They're simpler than they look, Ben, which is part of their charm; we  
use them for any mixture of three elements where a+b+c is constant, so  
really they're 2D data. (Why bother, people ask? Because which of the  
elements is most interesting varies with the mixture and use, so we  
like having all three axes labeled. Note: many versions get one of the  
axes backwards.)


On Sep 15, 2010, at 8:38 AM, Uri Laserson wrote:

> I believe that Chloe Lewis may have posted about this before.  She  
> has code for doing some ternary plotting type stuff that may be a  
> good place to start for you:
> Uri
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 11:23, Benjamin Root <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Lab Rat <> wrote:
> I saw some 3d ternary plots on the URL: 
>  that I'd love to recreate using matplotlib.  Can anyone give me  
> some general code examples of where I should likely begin?
> Thanks in advance!
> Wil
> Ah, my wife showed me these plots once. odd little buggers...
> As far as I know, these plots are not available in matplotlib at the  
> moment.  However, I might be persuaded to write up some code to do a  
> 2D version of it (3D version would come much, much later).  If I  
> could get this to work, I might finally convince my wife to switch  
> from matlab/excel to python!
> Do you have any resources that explains how these graphs work?
> Thanks,
> Ben Root

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