Hello Tony,

thanks a lot for the code, I'll try it out !



On Fri, 2010-09-17 at 09:46 -0400, Tony S Yu wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2010, at 8:58 AM, Erik Janssens wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm using matplotlib in a pyqt context, as described
> > in the book 'Matplotlib for python developers'.
> > 
> > When the window is large enough, everything works
> > fine, but when the window is too small part of
> > the x-axis labels get chopped.
> > 
> > Is there a way to prevent this ?  Preferable
> > in combination with the user being able to
> > resize the window.
> > 
> > Thanks a lot,
> > 
> > Erik
> Hi Erik,
> Last I checked there was nothing automatic for adjusting the spacing around 
> subplots. You can do so manually using ``plt.subplots_adjust`` (see for 
> example, 
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/pylab_examples/subplots_adjust.html).
> A while back, I wrote some functions to calculate a good set of parameters 
> for subplots_adjust (see attached; examples in if-main block at bottom). I've 
> been using these functions pretty regularly, and it works pretty well for my 
> purposes. 
> Best,
> -Tony
> Some usage notes:
> The function has to draw the figure a couple of times to calculate correct 
> spacing. When redrawing the figure (e.g. when you resize the window), you'd 
> have to re-call the function, which would redraw the figure a couple of times 
> before drawing the final figure. That's all to say: this is a fairly slow 
> function. If you don't have subplots (like in your example), you can call 
> "layout.tight_borders()" (instead of "layout.tight()"), which only requires a 
> single redraw.
> When I originally posted this to the developers list, the functions didn't 
> work with the GtkAgg backend. As far as I know, this hasn't changed. It 
> should work fine for Qt4Agg, macosx, and TkAgg backends.

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