Hello.  First, let me apologize if this has been covered---I tried to search 
the mailing list archives but was unable to get that to work (even queries that 
should have returned many hits were returning nothing).  

When I plot with the MacOSX backend using a serif font, the negative signs on 
the axis labels show up as the "missing glyph" open squares rather than minus 

Things that work around the problem: 
- disabling the unicode minus sign via axes.unicode_minus: False in the 
matplotlibrc file (though this obviously gives a hyphen instead of a true minus 
- switching to a sans-serif font
- switching to TkAgg or wxAgg backends
- using the text.usetex option

Things that don't work:
- switching to a different serif font (at least among Times, Times New Roman, 
and Bitstream Vera Serif)

I am using matplotlib 1.0 installed from the dmg file for Python 2.6 on OSX 
10.6.  I'm using Python 2.6.6 installed from the python.org binary distribution.

For now, I can work around using a sans-serif font or different backend 
instead, but I'd really like to use a serif font with the MacOSX backend.  
Please let me know if you need any other information. Your assistance would be 
most appreciated, thank you.


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