Just got a little bit of spare time and looked up some words and
remembered what I wrote you.

I just want to clarify:
1)  Not YOU are buggin us/me.  Just the subject is keeping us writing
emails to bugged users.
2)  I used this word (to bug) in the wrong sense.  I looked it up now
and it was not what I intended.  I meant it as a derivative from "the
bug", which is indeed a nice pun as I recognise from this.

Sorry if you're feeling a bit offended because of this, I guess I was
not in good mood,

2010/10/20 Friedrich Romstedt <friedrichromst...@gmail.com>:
> 2010/10/20 James Battat <jbat...@mit.edu>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having trouble with my built-from-source installation of matplotlib on
>> Snow Leopard  (I also tried installing from the .dmg file, but that install
>> failed -- see below for details).
> YEAH, this keeps bugging us.
> Please do a search in Gmane (http:/gmane.org, search for
> matplotlib-users ...) for Mac OS X 10.6 or Snow Leopard and from
> source or compilation or whatever you feel like.
> You'll find a bunch of messages, many of them quite long, but be sure:
> It's solvable!
> I'll write it up somewhen and put it to the webpage if the developers
> allow me for.  So many ASAP thingys currently ...
> Anyway, don't be frustrated by the many details, and start with the
> *recent* messages, and believe them more than the old ones.  In the
> end, when you got a complete and non-conflicting image, compile again.
>  You'll also need to compile the libpng and libfreetype2 I believe.
> Try to avoid or use as last rescue make.osx, it'll install old libs in
> your /usr/local namespace!
> Please apologise me, I'm getting tired of explaining it again and
> again, sorry again, good success with your studies,
> Friedrich
> Don't hesitate to ask questions but I cannot explain it from the very
> beginning, it'll also be wasting of storage :-)
> Second: The dmg installer requires python.org Python, not Apple one.
> The Apple one is said to be "whacky", but I don't know any details.
> Just use python.org MacPython, where mpl dmg installer is compiled
> against and should work from the very beginning.  Compile if you need
> svn bleeding-edge.
> Third: The installer *might* still have the bug of wrong rights for
> some images used in the toolbar, so if you find those, don't be
> surprised.  It's some missing read right in POSIX.  But it might be
> fixed now, though then I missed it.
>> I downloaded:
>>   matplotlib-1.0.0.tar.gz
>> and then built and installed:
>>> tar xvzf matplotlib-1.0.0.tar.gz
>>> cd matplotlib-1.0.0
>>> python setup.py build
>>> python setup.py install
>> Then tried using pylab:
>>> cd
>>> python
>> Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29)
>> [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>> import pylab
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>   File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/pylab.py", line 1, in <module>
>>     from matplotlib.pylab import *
>>   File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/pylab.py", line 216, in
>> <module>
>>     from matplotlib import mpl  # pulls in most modules
>>   File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl.py", line 2, in
>> <module>
>>     from matplotlib import axis
>>   File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axis.py", line 10, in
>> <module>
>>     import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
>>   File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/font_manager.py", line
>> 52, in <module>
>>     from matplotlib import ft2font
>> ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ft2font.so,
>> 2): Symbol not found: _FT_Attach_File
>>   Referenced from: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ft2font.so
>>   Expected in: flat namespace
>>  in /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ft2font.so
>> I've seen both of these problems listed elsewhere, but no solution posted:
>>   http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net/2010-09/msg00091.html
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Here's information on my environment:
>> Mac OS X 10.6.4
>>> uname -a
>> Darwin My-MacBook-Pro.local 10.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.4.0: Fri Apr 23
>> 18:28:53 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.7.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
>> I was building from source because I was not able to install from the DMG
>> installer (matplotlib-1.0.0-python.org-py2.6-macosx10.4.dmg).  When I tried
>> the .dmg installer, I got the following message:
>>    matplotlib 1.0.0-r0 can't be installed on this disk.
>>    matplotlib requires System Python 2.6 to install
>> Thanks for your help,
>> James

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