On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:45 PM, Nikolaus Rath <nikol...@rath.org> wrote:
> So I have to instantiate GridSpec with a (rows, column), but when I
> index the grid I have to use (column, row).
> Is there any reason for this counterintuitive behaviour?

This is not an intended behavior but a bug which affects a grid of
non-square shape.
This has been fixed in the svn version.

Meanwhile, you may use 1-d indexing. e.g.,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

gs = GridSpec(3, 4)

for irow in range(3):
    for icol in range(4):
        ax = plt.subplot(gs[irow*4+icol])



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