On 10/25/10 2:13 PM, John wrote:
> Closer, but still not quite right... not sure what I'm doing wrong??

John:  Since I don't know what the plot should look like, it's hard to 
say.   Perhaps the data is just transposed?  Let me back up a bit and 
ask why you want to interpolate to a lat/lon grid?  If it's just to make 
a plot, you can plot with Basemap on the original projection grid quite 

> http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/6Dnylo0BcjX0A-wdmczmNg?feat=directlink
> Any ideas??
> -john
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:53 PM, John<washa...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Apologies, I see I didn't need to change the xin, yin variables in the
>> interp function. I have it working now, but I still don't quite have
>> the plotting correct... be back with a report. -john
>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:27 PM, John<washa...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Jeff, thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I have a problem due to the
>>> 'polar' nature of the grid, the xin, yin values are not increasing. I
>>> tried both passing lat and lon grids or flattened vectors of the
>>> original data, but neither works. You can see my method here, which is
>>> a new method of my NSIDC class:
>>>     def regrid2globe(self,dres=0.5):
>>>         """ use parameters from 
>>> http://nsidc.org/data/polar_stereo/ps_grids.html
>>>         to regrid the data onto a lat/lon grid with degree resolution of 
>>> dres
>>>         """
>>>         a = 6378.273e3
>>>         ec = 0.081816153
>>>         b = a*np.sqrt(1.-ec**2)
>>>         map = Basemap(projection='stere',lat_0=90,lon_0=315,lat_ts=70,\
>>>                       llcrnrlat=33.92,llcrnrlon=279.96,\
>>>                       urcrnrlon=102.34,urcrnrlat=31.37,\
>>>                       rsphere=(a,b))
>>>         # Basemap coordinate system starts with 0,0 at lower left corner
>>>         nx = self.lons.shape[0]
>>>         ny = self.lats.shape[0]
>>>         xin = np.linspace(map.xmin,map.xmax,nx) # nx is the number of
>>> x points on the grid
>>>         yin = np.linspace(map.ymin,map.ymax,ny) # ny in the number of
>>> y points on the grid
>>>         # 0.5 degree grid
>>>         lons = np.arange(-180,180.01,0.5)
>>>         lats  = np.arange(-90,90.01,0.5)
>>>         lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons,lats)
>>>         xout,yout = map(lons, lats)
>>>         # datain is the data on the nx,ny stereographic grid.
>>>         # masked=True returns masked values for points outside projection 
>>> grid
>>>         dataout = interp(self.ice.flatten(), self.lons.flatten(),
>>> self.lats.flatten(),\
>>>                   xout, yout,masked=True)
>>>         self.regridded = dataout
>>> Thank you,
>>> john
>>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Jeff Whitaker<jsw...@fastmail.fm>  wrote:
>>>>   On 10/25/10 2:27 AM, John wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm trying to take a npstereographic grid of points and reproject it
>>>>> so that I can save out a file in regular 0.5 degree lat lon grid
>>>>> coordinates. The description of the grid points in the current
>>>>> projection is here:
>>>>> http://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/nsidc0051_gsfc_seaice.gd.html
>>>>> I've written the following class for handling the data:
>>>>> class NSIDC(object):
>>>>>      """ Maybe a set of functions for NSIDC data """
>>>>>      def __init__(self,infile):
>>>>>          self.infile = infile
>>>>>          self.data = self.readseaice()
>>>>>      def readseaice(self):
>>>>>          """ reads the binary sea ice data and returns
>>>>>              the header and the data
>>>>>              see:
>>>>> http://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/nsidc0051_gsfc_seaice.gd.html
>>>>>          """
>>>>>          #use the BinaryFile class to access data
>>>>>          from francesc import BinaryFile
>>>>>          raw = BinaryFile(self.infile,'r')
>>>>>          #start reading header values
>>>>>          """
>>>>>          File Header
>>>>>          Bytes    Description
>>>>>          1-6    Missing data integer value
>>>>>          7-12    Number of columns in polar stereographic grid
>>>>>          13-18    Number of rows in polar stereographic grid
>>>>>          19-24    Unused/internal
>>>>>          25-30    Latitude enclosed by pointslar stereographic grid
>>>>>          31-36    Greenwich orientation of polar stereographicic grid
>>>>>          37-42    Unused/internal
>>>>>          43-48    J-coordinate of the grid intersection at the pole
>>>>>          49-54    I-coordinate of the grid intersection at the pole
>>>>>          55-60    Five-character instrument descriptor (SMMR, SSM/I)
>>>>>          61-66    Two descriptionriptors of two characters each that
>>>>> describe the data;
>>>>>              for example, 07 cn = Nimbus-7 SMMR ice concentration
>>>>>          67-72    Starting Julian day of grid dayta
>>>>>          73-78    Starting hour of grid data (if available)
>>>>>          79-84    Starting minute of grid data (if available)
>>>>>          85-90    Ending Julian day of grid data
>>>>>          91-916    Ending hour of grid data (if available)
>>>>>          97-102    Ending minute of grid             data (if available)
>>>>>          103-108    Year of grid data
>>>>>          109-114    Julian day of gridarea(xld data
>>>>>          115-120    Three-digit channel descriptor (000 for ice
>>>>> concentrationns)
>>>>>          121-126    Integer scaling factor
>>>>>          127-150    24-character file name
>>>>>          151-24    Unused3080-character image title
>>>>>          231-300   70-character data information (creation date, data
>>>>> source, etc.)
>>>>>          """
>>>>>          hdr = raw.read(np.dtype('a1'),(300))
>>>>>          header = {}
>>>>>          header['baddata'] = int(''.join(hdr[:6]))
>>>>>          header['COLS'] = int(''.join(hdr[6:12]))
>>>>>          header['ROWS'] = int(''.join(hdr[12:18]))
>>>>>          header['lat'] = float(''.join(hdr[24:30]))
>>>>>          header['lon0'] = float(''.join(hdr[30:36]))
>>>>>          header['jcoord'] = float(''.join(hdr[42:48]))
>>>>>          header['icoord'] = float(''.join(hdr[48:54]))
>>>>>          header['instrument'] = ''.join(hdr[54:60])
>>>>>          header['descr'] = ''.join(hdr[60:66])
>>>>>          header['startjulday'] = int(''.join(hdr[66:72]))
>>>>>          header['starthour'] = int(''.join(hdr[72:78]))
>>>>>          header['startminute'] = int(''.join(hdr[78:84]))
>>>>>          header['endjulday'] = int(''.join(hdr[84:90]))
>>>>>          header['endhour'] = int(''.join(hdr[90:96]))
>>>>>          header['endminute'] = int(''.join(hdr[96:102]))
>>>>>          header['year'] = int(''.join(hdr[102:108]))
>>>>>          header['julday'] = int(''.join(hdr[108:114]))
>>>>>          header['chan'] = int(''.join(hdr[114:120]))
>>>>>          header['scale'] = int(''.join(hdr[120:126]))
>>>>>          header['filename'] = ''.join(hdr[126:150])
>>>>>          header['imagetitle'] = ''.join(hdr[150:230])
>>>>>          header['datainfo'] = ''.join(hdr[230:300])
>>>>>          #pdb.set_trace()
>>>>>          seaiceconc = raw.read(np.uint8,(header['COLS'],header['ROWS']))
>>>>>          return {'header':header,'data':seaiceconc}
>>>>>      def conv2percentage(self):
>>>>>          self.seaicepercentage = self.data['data']/2.5
>>>>>      def classify(self):
>>>>>          """ classify the data into land, coast, missing, hole """
>>>>>          data = self.data['data']
>>>>>          self.header = self.data['header']
>>>>>          for a in
>>>>> [('land',254),('coast',253),('hole',251),('missing',255)]:
>>>>>              zeros = np.zeros(data.shape)
>>>>>              zeros[np.where(data==a[1])] = 1
>>>>>              exec('self.%s = zeros' % a[0])
>>>>>          #filter data
>>>>>          data[data>250] = 0
>>>>>          self.ice = data
>>>>>      def geocoordinate(self):
>>>>>          """ use NSIDC grid files to assign lats/lons to grid.
>>>>>          see:
>>>>> http://nsidc.org/data/polar_stereo/tools_geo_pixel.html#psn25_pss25_lats
>>>>>          """
>>>>>          try:
>>>>>              ROWS = self.header['ROWS']
>>>>>              COLS = self.header['COLS']
>>>>>          except:
>>>>>              raise AttributeError('object needs to have header, \
>>>>>                      did you run self.classify?')
>>>>>          datadir = 'nsidc0081_ssmi_nrt_seaice'
>>>>>          lonfile = os.path.join(datadir,'psn25lons_v2.dat')
>>>>>          lons = np.fromfile(lonfile,dtype=np.dtype('i4'))/100000.
>>>>>          self.lons = lons.reshape(COLS,ROWS)
>>>>>          latfile = os.path.join(datadir,'psn25lats_v2.dat')
>>>>>          lats = np.fromfile(latfile,dtype=np.dtype('i4'))/100000.
>>>>>          self.lats = lats.reshape(COLS,ROWS)
>>>>>          areafile = os.path.join(datadir,'psn25area_v2.dat')
>>>>>          area = np.fromfile(latfile,dtype=np.dtype('i4'))/100000.
>>>>>          self.area = area.reshape(COLS,ROWS)
>>>>> Once I have the data in python, I've done some plotting with some
>>>>> weird results, I'm clearly not doing something correctly. I'd like to
>>>>> know the best way to do this, and I suspect it would require GDAL.
>>>>> Here's what I'm trying to do:
>>>>> from NSIDC import NSIDC
>>>>> import numpy as np
>>>>> from matplotlib import mlab, pyplot as plt
>>>>> #load the data
>>>>> d = jfb.NSIDC('nsidc0081_ssmi_nrt_seaice/nt_20080827_f17_nrt_n.bin')
>>>>> d.classify()
>>>>> d.geocoordinate()
>>>>> x = d.lons.ravel(); y = d.lats.ravel(); z = d.ice.ravel()
>>>>> #create a regular lat/lon grid 0.5 degrees
>>>>> dres=0.5
>>>>> reg_lon = np.arange(-180,180,dres,'f')
>>>>> reg_lat=np.arange(-90,90,dres,'f')
>>>>> #regrid the data into the regular grid
>>>>> Z = mlab.griddata(x,y,z,reg_lon,reg_lat)
>>>>> My result is confusing:
>>>>> plotting the data as imshow, demonstrates I'm loading it okay:
>>>>> plt.imshow(d.ice)
>>>>> yields:
>>>>> http://picasaweb.google.com/washakie/Temp#5531888474069952818
>>>>> however, if I try to plot the reprojected grid on to a map, I get
>>>>> something strange:
>>>>> http://picasaweb.google.com/washakie/Temp#5531888480458500386
>>>>> But if I use the same map object to plot my original data using the
>>>>> scatter function:
>>>>> m.scatter(x,y,c=z)
>>>>> I also get a strange result, so possibly I'm not reading the grid in
>>>>> properly, but it seems strange, since all the 'points' are where they
>>>>> are supposed to be, but I would not expect this color pattern:
>>>>> http://picasaweb.google.com/washakie/Temp#5531895787146118914
>>>>> Is anyone willing to write a quick tutorial or script on how this
>>>>> would be achieved properly in gdal or basemap?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> john
>>>> John:  Basemap provides an 'interp' function that can be used to reproject
>>>> data from one projection grid to another using bilinear interpolation.
>>>> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/basemap/doc/html/api/basemap_api.html#mpl_toolkits.basemap.interp
>>>> griddata is really for unstructured, scattered data.  Since you have a
>>>> regular grid, interp should be much faster.  In your case, this should do 
>>>> it
>>>> (untested).
>>>> import numpy as np
>>>> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, interp
>>>> # from http://nsidc.org/data/polar_stereo/ps_grids.html
>>>> a = 6378.273e3
>>>> ec = 0.081816153
>>>> b = a*np.sqrt(1.-ec**2)
>>>> map =\
>>>> Basemap(projection='stere',lat_0=90,lon_0=315,lat_ts=70,
>>>>         llcrnrlat=33.92,llcrnrlon=279.96,urcrnrlon=102.34,urcrnrlat=31.37,
>>>>         rsphere=(a,b))
>>>> # Basemap coordinate system starts with 0,0 at lower left corner
>>>> xin = np.linspace(map.xmin,map.xmax,nx) # nx is the number of x points on
>>>> the grid
>>>> yin = np.linspace(map.ymin,map.ymax,ny) # ny in the number of y points on
>>>> the grid
>>>> # 0.5 degree grid
>>>> lons = np.arange(-180,180.01,0.5)
>>>> lats  = np.arange(-90,90.01,0.5)
>>>> lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons,lats)
>>>> xout,yout = map(lons, lats)
>>>> # datain is the data on the nx,ny stereographic grid.
>>>> # masked=True returns masked values for points outside projection grid
>>>> dataout = interp(datain, xin, yin, xout, yout,masked=True)
>>>> -Jeff
>>> --
>>> Configuration
>>> ``````````````````````````
>>> Plone 2.5.3-final,
>>> CMF-1.6.4,
>>> Zope (Zope 2.9.7-final, python 2.4.4, linux2),
>>> Python 2.6
>>> PIL 1.1.6
>>> Mailman 2.1.9
>>> Postfix 2.4.5
>>> Procmail v3.22 2001/09/10
>> --
>> Configuration
>> ``````````````````````````
>> Plone 2.5.3-final,
>> CMF-1.6.4,
>> Zope (Zope 2.9.7-final, python 2.4.4, linux2),
>> Python 2.6
>> PIL 1.1.6
>> Mailman 2.1.9
>> Postfix 2.4.5
>> Procmail v3.22 2001/09/10

Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1        Email  : jeffrey.s.whita...@noaa.gov
325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-113
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web    : http://tinyurl.com/5telg

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