
I have a 2D numpy masked array of geo-located data -- with some data
missing -- that I wish to plot on a map.  Basemap provides a nice tool
to do this, but I am stumped trying to get the colorscheme I want.

My data are only physically meaningful on land, so I am using
Basemap.maskoceans() to mask out "wet" locations (oceans, lakes, etc.)
Trouble is, now both water as well as actual missing data show up in
the missing data color.

I want to have blue water, some other (bright) color for missing data,
and a nice-looking color transition (matplotlib.cm.Blues or something
similar) for the valid data over land (values from 0 to 50).  The
Cookbook example at
addresses my problem, but I cannot get it to work.  After changing
instances of matplotlib.numerix to numpy, I get a long list of
exceptions, the last of which is 
TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bytes'.  
This has to do with sentinelNorm, I think, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

Eventually I would like to sub-classify missing data by the type of
missing input that caused a missing value, but for now a single
missing data color is enough.

The code below does almost what I want- I just need to figure out how
to make the water blue.  I have also messed around with
matplotlib.cm.BoundaryNorm to create a colormap/normalization to
handle my data, but I am getting hung up initializing the cmap,
counting bin edges, etc.  I also tacked my test code for that...  Any
help greatly appreciated!



Timothy W. Hilton
PhD Candidate, Department of Meteorology
The Pennsylvania State University
503 Walker Building, University Park, PA   16802

# amost right...

import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, maskoceans
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors

if __name__=="__main__":
    # setup a basemap instance & draw a map
    m_aeqd = Basemap(width=9e5,height=9e5,projection='aeqd',
                     lat_0=28.46,lon_0=360-80.67, resolution='i', 
    col_water='#B9D3EE'  #SlateGray2
    col_land ='#1C1C1C'
    # draw coasts and fill continents.
    m_aeqd.fillcontinents(color=col_land,lake_color=col_water, zorder=0)

    # create a 100 x 100 pseudodata array with valid data between 0
      and 50 and some "missing" data (less than zero)
    X = ma.masked_less(np.random.random_integers(-1, 50, (n,n)), 0)
    plot_mid = np.mean((m_aeqd.llcrnrx, m_aeqd.urcrnrx))
    Xu, Xv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stop=plot_mid + 500*n,
                                   start=plot_mid - 500*n, step=1000),
                                   start=m_aeqd.urcrnry - 1000*n, step=1000))
    Xlon, Xlat = m_aeqd(Xu, Xv, inverse=True)

    #setup a colormap and plot the data
    cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap("Blues", 25)
    #mask oceans
    ocean_mask = maskoceans(Xlon, Xlat, X)
    #now I'm stumped how to incorporate oceans_mask into the color map
    oceans_cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap((col_land, "#000000"),
                                                   name="oceans", N=2)
    cmap.set_bad(color="#FF0000")  #show missing vals in bright red
    m_aeqd.pcolormesh(Xu, Xv, ocean_mask, cmap=cmap)

    #it seems like I could do another pcolormesh call with
    #ocean_mask.mask and oceans_cmap; I'd need to set the
    #transparency.  It seems like the more elegant solution is to
    #devise cmap to account for ocean_mask.mask (water) separately
    #from X.mask (data that are actually missing).  I'm not sure how
    #do that though.

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