
It is stated that show() should be the last function in a script, as
long as it will stop the execution of the program. Nevertheless, I
have seen that the current behavior is just a pause in the flow, and
it will be restored when the window is closed. The documentation says:

"Many users are frustrated by show because they want it to be a
blocking call that raises the figure, pauses the script until the
figure is closed, and then allows the script to continue running until
the next figure is created and the next show is made.[...]

This is not what show does and unfortunately, because doing blocking
calls across user interfaces can be tricky, is currently unsupported,
though we have made some progress towards supporting blocking events."

My question is: what is the real state of the art of the feature? Is
this something that could be safely exploited, or just an experimental
property not recommended?

I am using Matplotlib v.1.0 and Python 2.5 over Windows XP and TkAgg backend.

Thanks in advance.

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