On 11/03/2010 09:01 AM, jgamble wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to visualize some data using countourf in pyplot, and I am having
> a bit of trouble. For some reason, the y axis does not scale properly, and
> an ugly white bar appears where there are no pixels to plot (see
> screenshot). Ideally, I would like the axes to scale so that there is no
> white space. The script I am using is:
> q=1.60219e-19
> kGrid = linspace(0.01,25e7,100)
> epsGrid = linspace(1e-10*q,0.13e-3*q,100)
> X,Y = meshgrid(kGrid,epsGrid)
> Z = abs(integrand(X,Y))
> CS = plt.contourf(X,Y/q/1000,Z,100,cmap=cm.PRGn)

Try following this with



> Here, "integrand" is just some function that generates z values. I imagine
> that it is something with aspect ratios or scaling, but I haven't been able
> to figure it out from reading posts, so I would greatly appreciate some
> guidance!
> Many thanks,
> John
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p30120592/Screen%2Bshot%2B2010-11-03%2Bat%2B2.56.03%2BAM.png

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