On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu> wrote:

> On 11/17/2010 01:28 PM, Ognjen Ilic wrote:
> > Thanks for the help. However, when I change the matplotlibrc file I
> > get the following message
> > "Bad key "path.simplify" on line 267 in
> > /HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc.
> > You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
> > http://matplotlib.sf.net/matplotlibrc or from the matplotlib source
> > distribution"
> >
> > I'd do the update but I don't have root access on the server
> It sounds like you have an old enough version of mpl that it does not
> support rc configuration of the path simplification.  If so, your only
> option is to update mpl itself.  It should be possible to build and
> install a local copy without root access, and put its location in your
> Eric
A really simple way to do this is (from the terminal in the matplotlib

python setupegg.py install --user

Everything gets installed to your .local directory and your python
installation should find it without problems.

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