2010/12/1 Russell E. Owen <ro...@uw.edu>:
> I'm seeing a nasty memory leak in my strip chart widget using matplotlib
> 1.0, TkAgg and Mac OS X 10.5
> I've posted a minimal version here:
> <http://www.astro.washington.edu/users/rowen/python/MinimalStripChartWdg.
> py>
> It doesn't seem to matter if I use the animation API or not (the example
> does not).
> Any ideas?

Hmm, you're adding points right?  I remember one time I had a similar
timeline updating each second or so, and after 10 hr it took memory of
the order of Gigabytes (iirc) ... and it took seconds to refresh the
plot ... took me some time to figure it out that the plotting was the
culprit ...

hth, fwiw,

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