2011/3/9 hongleij <hongl...@126.com>

> Win7SP1/ActivePython-
> matplotlib-1.0.1.win32-py2.7 from sourceforge
> I met the following with my dataset:
> Save emf Error: too many values to uppack
>  Save pdf Error: Path lacks initial MOVETO
> Save eps: No Erro ,but cann't open it.
> Here is the code :
> import cPickle
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> from matplotlib import pylab
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     x_list =[19373.599999999999, 11022.120000000003, 90037.820000000007, \
>              57023.05000000001, 54658.360000000001, 50667.520000000004,\
>              37177.82, 165244.79000000001, 2575.2399999999998,
> 2826.2399999999998]
>     y_list = [0.0, 1172.96, 83027.377499999988, 80505.191250000003, \
>      67571.089999999997, 16066.450000000001, 2806.2912500000002,\
>      108459.68750000004, 0.0, 5.0800000000000001]
>     myaxis = plt.gca()
>     myaxis.loglog([],[],linestyle='None')
>     myaxis.scatter(x_list,y_list,marker='x')
>     plt.xlim( 10,pow(10,7) )
>     plt.ylim( 10,pow(10,8) )
>     plt.show()
I can confirm this bug (at least for eps and pdf files) on the master branch
as well.  I have also found that it occurs even for '+' markers and for 'o'
markers.  So, this problem isn't limited to just the
AsteriskPolygonCollections.  It appears to be something wrong with respect
to utilizing the log scales.  If I try the same code, but without log scale,
the images are valid.

Hong - just as a side note, using "loglog([], [], linestyle='None')" to
force your graph into log scale is not the right way.  It is better to do:


This won't fix your problem, but at least it is better coding style.

Ben Root
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