On 03/11/2011 02:54 PM, onet wrote:
> Hi,
> Using matplotlib I try to plot satellite observations, which consists of
> roughly one million patches that are not gridded regularly.
> I first collect the vertices (corner points of the observations) and
> colors and then use PolyCollection and ax.add_collection to add these
> patches to the figure.
> On my 64bit Linux machine:
> # 518400 patches will use>2Gb of memory
> # 1M patches will use>  4Gb of memory
> On a 32bit machine the memory is roughly half compared to 64bit.
> My question: how can I plot more efficiently and use less memory?

If your data are on a quadrilateral mesh, as in your example, (or can be 
approximately mapped onto such a mesh) then pcolormesh should be very 
much more efficient both in time and in memory than making a PolyCollection.

> An example script with random data is below.
> System:
> Debian Testing: kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 26 2010, 22:31:48)
> matplotlib.__version__ = '1.0.0'
> Best regards,
>       Onet.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> #
> # Purpose : Show large use of memory when plotting
> #           large numbers of patches
> #
> import random
> import matplotlib
> matplotlib.use('AGG') # produce AGG graphics (o.a. PNG) by default
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> import matplotlib.colors as colors
> from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
> def test_polycollection (NLats, NLons):
>      """ Test poly collections """
>      fig = plt.figure()
>      ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
>      figmap = Basemap (llcrnrlon=-180., llcrnrlat=-90,
>                        urcrnrlon=180., urcrnrlat=90.,\
>                        resolution='c', area_thresh=10000.,
>                        projection='cyl')
>      # Color map and min/max bounds
>      cmap = plt.cm.jet
>      vmin = 0
>      vmax = 10
>      # Arrays for the vertices and the colors
>      Poly_Vertices = []
>      Poly_Colors = []
>      # add pixel to array of vertices and set a random color
>      for LatNr in range (0, NLats):
>          for LonNr in range (0, NLons, 2):
>              # shift lon 1 point if odd for staggered grid
>              if (LatNr % 2 == 0):
>                  # even
>                  ShiftLon = 0
>              else:
>                  # odd
>                  ShiftLon = 1
>              # calc coordinates for vertex storage
>              x1,y1 = (359.*(ShiftLon + LonNr + 1)/(NLons+1) - 179.9,
>                       179.*(LatNr    )/(NLats+1) - 89.9)
>              x2,y2 = (359.*(ShiftLon + LonNr + 2)/(NLons+1) - 179.9,
>                       179.*(LatNr + 1)/(NLats+1) - 89.9)
>              x3,y3 = (359.*(ShiftLon + LonNr + 1)/(NLons+1) - 179.9,
>                       179.*(LatNr + 2)/(NLats+1) - 89.9)
>              x4,y4 = (359.*(ShiftLon + LonNr    )/(NLons+1) - 179.9,
>                       179.*(LatNr + 1)/(NLats+1) - 89.9)
>              # get RGB colors, cut off alpha.
>              RandomValue = random.random() * vmax
>              colorsgen = cmap ((RandomValue - vmin) / (vmax - vmin))[:3]
>              # add the polygon vertices and the color to the array
>              Poly_Vertices.append ([(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4)])
>              Poly_Colors.append (colorsgen)
>      # Create PolyCollection and add it to the axes
>      print 'PolyCollection: number of elements: ', len (Poly_Colors)
>      Data_PatchCollection = PolyCollection (Poly_Vertices,
>                                             facecolor=Poly_Colors,
>                                             edgecolor='black',
>                                             linewidth=0)
>      print 'add_collection'
>      ax.add_collection (Data_PatchCollection)
>      print 'add_collection done'
>      # finish the plot by drawing coastlines
>      figmap.drawcoastlines()
>      plt.title ('PolyCollection on a map')
>      fig.savefig ('polycol.png', dpi=300)
>      plt.close()
>      return
> #
> # End test_polycollection
> #
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>      """ Test the memory size of matplotlib using poly
>          collections.
>          On a 64 bit linux machine the memory use is
>          enormous when plotting large numbers of patches
>          via matplotlib / PolyCollection.
>          For 518400 patches matplotlib will use ~2Gb of
>          memory. On a 32 bit Linux machine, the memory
>          usage is roughly half.
>          Can this be done more efficient?
>          Debian Testing: Linux host 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP
>                Wed Jan 12 03:40:32 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>          Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 26 2010, 22:31:48)
>          matplotlib.__version__ = '1.0.0'
>      """
>      # 129600 patches will use ~630Mb of memory (on 64bit Linux)
>      #NLats=360
>      #NLons=720
>      # 259200 patches will use ~1Gb of memory (on 64bit Linux)
>      #NLats=360
>      #NLons=1440
>      # 518400 patches will use ~2Gb of memory (on 64bit Linux)
>      NLats=720
>      NLons=1440
>      #
>      # test the memory size of using poly collections.
>      test_polycollection (NLats, NLons)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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