Jörgen Stenarson, on 2011-03-16 18:04,  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in making plots that are plotted on a polar grid or a 
> smith chart grid but where the data coordinates still are normal 
> rectangular. It is not clear for me if this is possible with the 
> standard gridding machinery or if some other approach is necessary.
> Another question is how would I get the data to clip inside the maximum 
> circle of the polar or smithchart?

Hi Jörgen,

there's probably a way of doing this, and not knowing your other
constraints maybe this isn't an option, but the path of least
resistance would be to make a polar subplot and transform your
rectangular data to polar coordinates for the purposes of
plotting (rather than transforming the grid to polar). This way
you'll get your clipping "for free."

Paul Ivanov
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