Stef Mientki, on 2011-03-16 19:45,  wrote:
> hello,
> The text in matplotlib pictures is very fuzzy (certainly if you compare that 
> to fixed texts).
> The picture below is from an html page, the html page is generated from a 
> python script,
> which also produces the matplotlib pictures, which are stored in a png-file 
> and linked in the html page.
> Are there ways to improve the font quality of the texts in the MatPlotLib 
> image ?

Hi Stef,

Have you tried increasing the resolution of the images before you
save them, via plt.savefig("something.png",dpi=160) or by setting
the savefig.dpi rcParam to affect all plots. You might also play
with using different fontsize parameters when calling .text(...)
Paul Ivanov
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