Hi all,

I needed to make bean plots (see
http://www.jstatsoft.org/v28/c01/paper ) so I made a function to plot
them by tuning the violin plot code from here:

Please see the attached file if interested.

Is there a repository where this kind of additional plot functions
could be submitted? The violinplot function needs scipy, so it's maybe
matplotlib itself is out of the question?


# Author: Teemu Ikonen <tpiko...@gmail.com>
# Based on code by Flavio Codeco Coelho,
# http://pyinsci.blogspot.com/2009/09/violin-plot-with-matplotlib.html
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from numpy.random import normal

def violinplot(ax, data, pos, bp=False, cut=False):
    """Make a violin plot of each dataset in the `data` sequence.
    dist = np.max(pos)-np.min(pos)
    w = min(0.15*max(dist,1.0),0.5)
    for d,p in zip(data,pos):
        k = gaussian_kde(d) #calculates the kernel density
        s = 0.0
        if not cut:
            s = 1.5*np.std(d) #FIXME: magic constant 1.5
        m = k.dataset.min() - s #lower bound of violin
        M = k.dataset.max() + s #upper bound of violin
        x = np.linspace(m, M, 100) # support for violin
        v = k.evaluate(x) #violin profile (density curve)
        v = w*v/v.max() #scaling the violin to the available space
    if bp:

def stripchart(ax, data, pos, mean=False, median=False, width=None):
    """Plot samples given in `data` as horizontal lines.

    Keyword arguments:
        mean: plot mean of each dataset as a thicker line if True
        median: plot median of each dataset as a dot if True.
        width: Horizontal width of a single dataset plot.
    if width:
        w = width
        dist = np.max(pos)-np.min(pos)
        w = min(0.15*max(dist,1.0),0.5)
    for d,p in zip(data,pos):
        hw = w/2.0
        ax.hlines(d, p-hw, p+hw, lw=0.5)
        if mean:
            ax.hlines(np.mean(d), p-w, p+w, lw=1.0, color='b')
        if median:
            ax.plot(p, np.median(d), 'o', color='r')

def beanplot(ax, data, pos, mean=True, median=True, cut=False):
    """Make a bean plot of each dataset in the `data` sequence.

    Reference: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v28/c01/paper
    #FIXME: Implement also the asymmetric beanplot
    dist = np.max(pos)-np.min(pos)
    w = min(0.15*max(dist,1.0),0.5)
    stripchart(ax, data, pos, mean, median, 0.8*w)
    violinplot(ax, data, pos, False, cut)

if __name__=="__main__":
    pos = range(5)
    data = [normal(size=100) for i in pos]
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

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