On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Michael Droettboom <md...@stsci.edu> wrote:
> On 05/12/2011 02:34 PM, C M wrote:
>> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Michael Droettboom<md...@stsci.edu>
>>  wrote:
>>> You can always get a tarball of the current git master by going here:
>>> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib
>>> clicking on "Download" and choosing one of the "download source" options
>>> at the top of the popup box.
>>> Mike
>> Thanks, but I'm having trouble using that.  I downloaded the .zip
>> file, unzipped the archive, moved the folder to
>> C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages, renamed my current matplotlib folder to
>> matplotlib_OLD, ran these commands from the new directory:
>> python setup.py build
>> python setup.py install
>> And finally renamed the new folder to just matplotlib.  It is not
>> finding the modules when I go to run it.  If revert the names of the
>> folders, my old folder still works.  What am I doing wrong?
> You should not expand the directory tree under site-packages -- "python
> setup.py install" is what does that for you.  You should expand it anywhere
> else (most people create a "src" directory somewhere on their machine for
> source code).  Then run those commands.

I unzipped it in a download directory, changed the directory to that
folder, and ran the commands again...and it did not put a matplotlib
folder under site-packages.  Is there a step-by-step method on the
website that shows how to do this?

But all I really want is the changes that Jae Joon made as mentioned
above.  Is there a way to just grab them from the new folders?  (I
thought not because the folder structure from what I downloaded from
git master doesn't match the folder structure I had from mpl 1.0,
downloaded from the main mpl page).


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