On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 3:57 PM, T. Tofus von Blisstein
<tuffst...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I invert the colors of axes/background from black/white to 
> white/black?
> thanks... I have been googling for a while...

If you want to do it for all your plots, you can mess with all of the
'color*' settings in the .matplotlibrc file:

There are plenty of colors to change (font, line, axes, figure, patch,
etc), so just grep through there. You'll probably want to change the
color_cycle list.

To do the same thing at runtime, play around with matplotlib.rc(),
passing in the ones you'd change from above:

Then you can reset it using rcdefaults():

If you don't like those approaches, you can specify the color for
about everything using keyword arguments as you create the figure,
axes, etc (using the object-oriented API), or call plot(), subplot(),
etc (using the interactive pylab API). Try help(figure) and
help(colors) for some examples.

Hope that helps,

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