
why don't you just parse the returned string?

asdf = '3:04:02.994000'
asdf = asdf.split(':')
temp = asdf[-1].split('.')
print asdf
print asdf
print asdf
asdf = [int(i) for i in asdf]
print asdf
hrs,mins,secs,usecs = asdf

That should work, and you can always transform this into some common
unit, e.g. seconds etc.

Hope it helps,

2011/7/17 C M <cmpyt...@gmail.com>:
> This a time duration in my database:  '3:04:02.994000' (i.e., 3 hrs, 4
> min, 2 sec and 994 microsec).  It's a string.
> Is there a way to allow Matplotlib to interpret that directly as a
> duration of time?
> Thank you.

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