I haven't had a chance to look properly at the new mplot3d
improvements that Ben Root has been working on, but I wonder whether
it is easy now to set the axis properties so that the patches that
form the axes no longer have an alpha value of 0.5? I really want them
to be solid. The use case is that I often save images in a vector
format for editing within inkscape, do some fiddling, then re-export
as eps or pdf. If there are any semi-transparent objects, inkscape
will rasterize the whole image, so it becomes necessary to first go
through and manually set the alphas of all these patches to 1.0 before
A cursory look at the new code makes me hopeful that this is now
possible since the setting from _AXINFO has been moved to the Axis
constructor. Does that mean I'll be able to do something like
ax._axinfo['x']['color']=(0.3,0.3,0.3,1) with the new version?


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