I initially asked this question in the wxPython-users mailing-list (
but I figured Matplotlib-users would be a good place to ask in too.

I am using Matplotlib 1.1.0 in wxPython through FigureCanvasWxAgg on
a Mac. This has always worked well, but now I've run into an annoying issue.
In the attached script, before using the right click menu, any clicks
outside the top pane won't trigger a Matplotlib event. However after any of
the right click menu items have been clicked, the canvas seems to expand to
the whole window and not only the top pane.

First of all, am I doing something wrong? If not, is this a Matplotlib or
wxPython issue?

FYI on a XP machine running wxPython and Matplotlib 1.0.1 it works
just fine.

Attachment: wxpython_matplotlib_event.py
Description: Binary data

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