On 10/20/2011 03:47 PM, John Gu wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using version 1.0.1 of matplotlib on a linux machine.  uname -a
> returns the following: Linux jgulinux #1 SMP
> Tue Aug 16 21:01:58 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
> [jgu@jgulinux ~/.matplotlib]$ cat matplotlibrc
> backend : TkAgg
> interactive : True
> Program that reproduces the problem (run in ipython):
> x = arange(1000)
> y = x
> f = figure(1)
> for ia in xrange(5):
>      for ib in xrange(5):
>          ax = subplot(5,5,ia*5+ib+1, navigate=True)
>          ax.plot(x,y)
> If we now tried to interactively navigate through any single subplot of
> the figure, it is extremely slow.  Not sure if this is a configuration
> error on my side?

No, and it is not backend-dependent, either. And it does not even 
require that all of the plots have data--it is the same if only the last 
subplot has data.  A little experimentation indicates that all the ticks 
and tick labels on the other subplots are slowing down the interaction 
with the one subplot being navigated.

         ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
         ax.tick_params(left=False, right=False, top=False, bottom=False)

Insert the above to turn off ticks and tick labels, and it speeds up 
nicely.  That's not a solution, I realize.

I knew that slowness in the tick and tick label generation was a major 
bottleneck in subplot creation, but I did not realize that it had such 
an effect on interactive manipulation of a single subplot.


> John

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