On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 12:05, Sterling Smith <smit...@fusion.gat.com> wrote:

> Your example is not complete.  I don't understand the value variable that you 
> are iterating over, or how it affects the different plots you are making.

value is simply a list of different datasets to plot, read in using:

value = []
for v_file in glob.glob(value_glob):
  value.append(numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.loadtxt(v_file, converters={0:

where value_glob specifies a glob pattern of files to read in.

> I would guess that the problem is that you have a list of tuples of handles 
> for value_plot, instead of a list of handles.  Note that each of the 
> plot_date commands returns a length=1 tuple of lines.  So you should pick out 
> the first item of each tuple, and you probably only need the 1st item of the 
> value_plot list, since you only give 3 labels.

I'm not really following you, do you mean something like the following:

# legend
date_axes.legend(([morning_plot], [evening_plot], [value_plot[0]]),
   ("Morning", "Evening", "Value"),
   numpoints=1, loc=0, borderpad=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True)

as that results in the same errors?



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