On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Gousios George <gg...@windowslive.com>wrote:

> Hello , i wanted to ask how can i do what i am saying in title.
> I have a plot with some points and i have a circle.
> I want to combine both data in one plot.(a circle and point data)
> I can't do it because ( i think) for the circle i use pylab.show()  but
> for plot ,just show().
> Is there another way to make the circle?
> > from scitools.std import *
> > import pylab
> >
> >
> > npoints=10
> >
> > vectorpoint=random.uniform(-1,1,[1,2])
> > experiment=random.uniform(-1,1,[npoints,2])
> >
> > #plot(experiment[:,0],experiment[:,1],'ro')
> > #show()
> >
> > plot(experiment[:,0],experiment[:,1],'ro')
> > hold('on')
> > circ = pylab.Circle((0., 0.), 1.0,alpha=0.1)
> > pylab.gca().add_patch(circ)
> > pylab.axis('scaled')
> > pylab.show()
> Thanks!
try this:

pylab.plot(experiment[:, 0], experiment[:, 1], 'ro')
circ = pylab.Circle((0., 0.), 1.0, alpha=0.1)

Ben Root

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