On 11/13/11 12:40 PM, Gökhan Sever wrote:
Hello groups,

I have two questions about working with MODIS data.

1-) Is there any light Pythonic HDF-EOS wrapper to handle HDF-EOS data other than PyNIO [http://www.pyngl.ucar.edu/Nio.shtml] Although, I have managed to install that package from its source, it took me many hours to figure out all the installation quirks. Something simpler to build and mainly for HDFEOS data??

Gökhan: netcdf4-python can read hdf5-eos files, and even hdf4-eos files if the netcdf C lib is built with hdf4 support.


2-) Another similar question: Has anybody attempted to create true-color MODIS images (like the ones shown at [http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/realtime/]) in Python? So far, I have seen one clear tutorial [ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/IMAPP/MODIS/TrueColor/] to create natural color images, but uses ms2gt [http://nsidc.org/data/modis/ms2gt/], NDVI and IDL. Except the reflectance correction via NDVI, ms2gt and IDL parts seem to be implemented in Python.

Till now, I have some progress combining GOES imagery with aircraft data. My next task is to combine MODIS data with aircraft and radar data. I would be happy to get some guidance and code support if there is any previous work been done using Python.


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