Hi all.

The position of an axes is fixed at creation, regardless of the what goes
outside the plot area. If the numbers on the y-axis are big enough (say, 7
digits) and a label is added, the label gets out of the figure.

Example :


import pylab

data = [0,1,2,3000000]

fig = pylab.figure()

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)



Is there a way to automatically resize the axis and nicely center the whole
set {axes + ticklabels + labels} in the figure ?

One could use add_axes and play with the coordinates until he gets something
nice, but it gets complicated to have it automatic as things depends on
- the number of digits of y-axis ticklabels
- whether or not a secundary y-axis is added on the right (using twinx)

Or did I miss something ?



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