On 01/15/2012 01:00 AM, Per Nielsen wrote:
> Hi all
> I am trying to include vector graphics in the form of either PDF or EPS
> in a matplotlib figure. At first I thought it would be straight forward,
> but all my googling have been in vain so far.
> Eventually I found this post:
> http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net/2009-09/msg00009.html
> stating that it is not possible to include EPS in matplotlib figures. Is
> this still the case? Or might there be some work around?

This is still the case; there has been no change since Mike's message, 
and there is not likely to be any.  Importing from pdf or eps would be 
very difficult.  Few applications even attempt it.


> Cheers,
> Per

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