I believe that I should terminate this thread (from my side), since the 
image is clear. The actual version of Matplotlib is not adapted to my 
needs, a rather involved animation of many objects, and changing. The 
last dialogue with Benjamin Root, whom I am deeply grateful, cleared my 
doubts. Ben confirms that I am on my own:

> // you need to create your web of callbacks accordingly.  The callback 
> registry is just simply a tool that we created for our use.  Keep in 
> mind that your original question to this thread was "how do I fire 
> events?".  I answered that question a while back.

My question - sorry for being unclear - was how to fire events 
ASYNCHRONOUSLY. How to post them, to be processed by the event loop, not 
how to call callbacks.

>  Ok, but the callback registry is not an event loop.  It is just a 
> callback registry.  The main-loops are in the respective GUI toolkits.

I know that. I read a good part of the matlotlib source, but not all of 
this, since I thought that asking questions might be more efficient.  
And actually it was.

>  There is no event queue in the CallbackRegistry.  What we have done 
> in the respective GUI backends is to link various GUI actions to calls 
> to process().  The CallbackRegistry itself is GUI-neutral and heck, it 
> doesn't even assume a GUI exists, which allows for us to still use the 
> callback registry for other uses in non-interactive modes and headless 
> modes.  Therefore, there is no mainloop, there is no event queue.

This, I believe, is the final answer. Sigh. OK. I am not saved from the 
Pooh syndrome (The more he looked inside the more Piglet wasn't there), 
since now I plan to either code something myself, or to give it as a 
project to my students. I believe that Matplotlib merits this, there is 
plenty of potentialities, but the animation seems to be still in statu 

>   I also noticed that in the example you posted, you created your own 
> callback registry.  Why didn't you use the existing one that comes 
> with the figure canvas?
Oh, of course. But this was accidental, it doesn't change anything.

> Quite honestly, I (and I suspect others) are not sure what you are 
> asking of us.  You seem to be quite knowledgeable, but -- quite 
> frankly -- all I see is you complaining about the problem.  /.../ I 
> need you to be very clear about what you want and to exclude any 
> extraneous "rants" you may have.

NO SIR. I am not complaining (cite my "complaints" if you disagree). I 
am trying to find a solution to a problem of delayed, asynchronous event 
processing within Matplotlib. I try to be compact, this is just a 
mailing list. And please: what "rants"??? I would never say anything bad 
about the system nor its authors, I am asking questions. No bugs to 
reports (only that from time to time Python declares some execution 
error of a sub-process, but it may have several sources).

> My only guess is that you were hoping that there was a GUI-neutral 
> mainloop in mpl.  I am sorry to say that one doesn't exist in the 
> manner you are speaking.
Again, this IS the answer. Thank you very much.


There is one "rant", if you wish (of course, I am joking).

The animation objects (FuncAnimation, etc.) are coded as they are, 
probably sufficient for you. They are "one shot". But if you want to 
stop and to resume your animation, they are not so well adapted. Calling 
._stop (not documented) from a callback is deadly, because of the 
cleaning procedures. You can't re-_start it. The only way - as I see it 
- is to create another animation. OK, but this might not be the most 
efficient way to do it.

I am afraid that my fascination by Matplotlib, which I really use for my 
teaching of scientific programming and visualization, pushed me to try 
to use the package outside its actual limits. Sorry bor bothering you. 
If I find something of general interest, I will post it, perhaps.

All the best, sincerely.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

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