Hi Benjamin,
  thank you for you explanation. My comment is below in the text:

Benjamin Root wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Martin Mokrejs <mmokr...@fold.natur.cuni.cz 
> <mailto:mmokr...@fold.natur.cuni.cz>> wrote:
>     Ah, this seems to be the issue that my figsize was growing all the time 
> so it
>     went over the maximum limits.
>     I thought this is valid:
>     DefaultSize = F.get_size_inches()
>     print str(DefaultSize)
>     blah
>     F.set_size_inches(DefaultSize)
>     See http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/figure_api.html
>     <quote>
>     set_size_inches(*args, **kwargs)
>        set_size_inches(w,h, forward=False)
>        Set the figure size in inches
>        Usage:
>        fig.set_size_inches(w,h)  # OR
>        fig.set_size_inches((w,h) )
>        optional kwarg forward=True will cause the canvas size to be 
> automatically updated; eg you can resize the figure window from the shell
>        ACCEPTS: a w,h tuple with w,h in inches
>     </quote>
>     Nope, it does not work. The print call gives me: [ 8.  6.]. So, this is 
> not a tuple?
>     Or python-2.7 issue how is it printed ... I fear? ;-)
>     Anyway, doing
>     F.set_size_inches(11.2, 15)
>     works for me.
>     Martin
> I am a little bit confused by your code example.  You get the figure size and 
> print it, and *then* you set it with the exact same values, and you are 
> surprised that it came out as [8. 6.]?  Note that the figure size is stored 
> internally as a numpy array, so when you do "print str(DefaultSize)", you 
> will get the string representation of the numpy array.  You can still pass in 
> a tuple, list, or two separate elements.  Try this code:

No, in my experience it did NOT work. I suspect F.set_size_inches() either did 
not like the input tuple or something else. Now. after reading your 
clarification, are you sure it can input the numpy array as well? What I also 
tried was to re-set the figsize to original values.

Ouch, I use pylab not matplotlib directly. :(

$ python
Python 2.7.2 (default, Feb  7 2012, 19:33:08) 
[GCC 4.5.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pylab
>>> F = pylab.gcf()
>>> print F.get_size_inches()
[ 8.  6.]
>>> DefaultSize = F.get_size_inches()
>>> print DefaultSize
[ 8.  6.]
>>> F.set_size_inches(10, 10)
>>> print F.get_size_inches()
[ 10.  10.]
>>> F.set_size_inches(DefaultSize[0], DefaultSize[1])
>>> print F.get_size_inches()
[ 10.  10.]

Why in the above example I cannot return back to figsize [ 8.  6.] ?

> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> fig = plt.figure()
> print fig.get_size_inches()
> fig.set_size_inches(11.2, 15.0)
> print fig.get_size_inches()
> fig.set_size_inches((4.0, 7.2))
> print fig.get_size_inches()
> fig.set_size_inches([9.3, 11.1])
> print fig.get_size_inches()
> You should see:
> [ 8.  6.]
> [ 11.2  15. ]
> [ 4.   7.2]
> [  9.2  11.1]

Yes, this works.

> Everything works as expected.  There is nothing special about python 2.7 in 
> this regard.  Let us know if you are still having problems updating your 
> figures and include a stand-alone example showing how the figure size is not 
> being updated.

What does the internal numpy array representation bring good to the figsize? ;-)
Why don't you use a simple list/tuple? I am sure you know what you're doing,
am just curious. Especially if slicing behaves differently compared to 
and the .__str__() also gives in my eyes weird output. Sure, matter of taste. ;)


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