On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Andreas Mueller

> **
> Hi everybody.
> I have been trying to turn off xticks and yticks and their labels in
> matplotlibrc.
> Ticks<http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/axis_api.html#matplotlib.axis.Tick>have
>  an argument "tick1On" and "label1On" but it seems I can not use these
> in the config file. Is that correct?
> Is there any other way to turn of ticks by default?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> Hi Andy,

I don't think there are any rc parameters for controlling this, but you can
call `plt.axis('off')` or `ax.set_axis_off()`. I know that's not what you
were looking for, but I thought I'd mention it.

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