I am a matplotlib noob, but I have searched the documentation, lists etc 
and cannot find a simple way to stop a curve being drawn once it crosses 
another curve. In the attached example, I am trying to draw the solid 
curve only until it intersects the dashed one. I have tried using the 
numpy.where() method, but it does not seem to be the right way to go 
about it- I end up having to write FOR loops and so on, and that does 
not make use of the vectorization advantages of numpy. Seems like there 
ought to be a simple way to do this.


mport numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def ig_CRM(vg,V,L,Ts):
     return ((Ts*vg/(2*L))*(1-(vg/V)))

def ig_CCM(vg,V,L,Ts,d):
     return (Ts*vg*d**2/(2*L))/(1-vg/V)

L= 110*10**-6
Ts= 10**-5
V= 400

vg= np.arange(0.0,400.0,1.0)
ig_bdry= ig_CRM(vg,V,L,Ts)
plt.axis([0, 400, 0, 20])

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