Jeff: in the end, i decided to suspend this kind of approach to problem,
but should give it a try in the future. thanks for suggestion.


2012/6/14 Jeff Whitaker <>

>  On 6/14/12 7:52 AM, Yasin Selçuk Berber wrote:
> I want to set a projection area larger than data's geographical coverage.
> But data must still be georeferenced correctly inside map region
> and coastlines in projection area should still be visible outside data
> area.
> right now, the data is always stretched inside whole projection area.
> trying to mimic with characters:
> --right now--
> ulcorner
> _______________________
> |   p r o j.  a r e a  |
> |                      |
> |     w h o l e        |
> |      d a t a         |
> |        i s           |
> |   s t r e t c h e d  |
> |                      |
> -----------------------| lrcorner
> --what i try to do--
> ulcorner
> _______________________
> |                      |
> |__________    this    |
> |          |   is      |
> |   this   |projection |
> |   is     |   area    |
> |   data   |           |
> |          |           |
> -----------------------| lrcorner
> Code below certainly does not work and stretch data to full projection
> region:
> -------------------------
> *code skipped*
> m = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=37,urcrnrlat=42,\
>             llcrnrlon=24,urcrnrlon=34,resolution='i')
> m.imshow(data,, interpolation='nearest')
> *code skipped*
> ---------------------------
> i fiddled with imshow's extent and clip_box keywords but since could not
> get it work. and googling for a serious amount of time didnt help either.
> Some posts on web mentioned bbox or set_autoscale_on related things but i
> cant seem to get it. Any ideas ?
> thanks.
> --
> Yasin Selçuk Berber
> "Bismillah, her hayrın başıdır."
> Yasin:  If you use pcolor or contourf, you can specify the x,y (map
> projection) coordinates of the data grid, and the data will be plotted on a
> subset of the map projection region.  imshow (which doesn't take x,y
> coordinates) just fills the whole plotting region with an image.  If you
> want to use imshow, perhaps you could define an inset map (with no
> coastlines drawn) inside your larger map, and plot the image on the inset
> map.
> -Jeff
> --
> Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
> Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
> NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1        Email  :
> 325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-113
> Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web    :

Yasin Selçuk Berber
"Bismillah, her hayrın başıdır."
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