Hello, I want to ask some questions about fonts in figures.

I think that the best figures are achieved when the font used is the 
same as in the surrounding text in all the figure. This is the case when 
I use the latex notation (between $$), but unfortunately the police used 
for the axis is not the same (this is sans-serif font).

On the other hand, you could have a sans-serif font in your document, 
and thus you would like your equations to be also sans-serif as far it 
is possible.

The reason I write to this mailing is because I want to know if it 
exists general recipes to have the same font in all the figure with 

The first thing I thought about as a general recipie is to use an 
'epslatex' output, which is then compiled with latex to give an eps or a 
pdf file, but I am not sure if it is possible to achieve such a result.

If you have some idea about that, let me know.



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