On 2012/09/07 4:00 AM, Benjamin Root wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Shahar Shani-Kadmiel
> <kadm...@post.bgu.ac.il <mailto:kadm...@post.bgu.ac.il>> wrote:
>     On Sep 7, 2012, at 4:25 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:
>>     On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Shahar Shani-Kadmiel
>>     <kadm...@post.bgu.ac.il <mailto:kadm...@post.bgu.ac.il>> wrote:
>>         1. an ipython session is invoked with qtconsole --pylab
>>         2. I load a large NetCDF grid (Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT
>>         netCDF format (float)  (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]), approx.
>>         1.15 GB
>>         3. I then try to plot with imshow the data
>>         added below are the lines leading up to the error and the
>>         error itself.
>>         This is running on OS X 10.7.4 with a recently installed EPD 7.3.
>>         {code}
>>         from scipy.io <http://scipy.io/> import netcdf_file as netcdf
>>         data =
>>         netcdf('srtm_43_44_05_06_07_08.grd','r').variables['z'][::-1]
>>         fig, ax = subplots()
>>         data.shape
>>         Out[5]: (24004, 12002)
>>         im = ax.imshow(data,
>>         aspect=((data.shape[1])/float(data.shape[0])),
>>         interpolation='none')
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         MemoryError                               Traceback (most
>>         recent call last)
>>         <ipython-input-6-f92e4c4c63b5> in <module>()
>>         ----> 1 im = ax.imshow(data,
>>         aspect=((data.shape[1])/float(data.shape[0])),
>>         interpolation='none')
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes.py
>>         in imshow(self, X, cmap, norm, aspect, interpolation, alpha,
>>         vmin, vmax, origin, extent, shape, filternorm, filterrad,
>>         imlim, resample, url, **kwargs)
>>            6743             im.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
>>            6744         else:
>>         -> 6745             im.autoscale_None()
>>            6746         im.set_url(url)
>>            6747
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/cm.py
>>         in autoscale_None(self)
>>             281         if self._A is None:
>>             282             raise TypeError('You must first set_array
>>         for mappable')
>>         --> 283         self.norm.autoscale_None(self._A)
>>             284         self.changed()
>>             285
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colors.py
>>         in autoscale_None(self, A)
>>             889         ' autoscale only None-valued vmin or vmax'
>>             890         if self.vmin is None:
>>         --> 891             self.vmin = ma.min(A)
>>             892         if self.vmax is None:
>>             893             self.vmax = ma.max(A)
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.pyc
>>         in min(obj, axis, out, fill_value)
>>            5873 def min(obj, axis=None, out=None, fill_value=None):
>>            5874     try:
>>         -> 5875         return obj.min(axis=axis,
>>         fill_value=fill_value, out=out)
>>            5876     except (AttributeError, TypeError):
>>            5877         # If obj doesn't have a max method,
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.pyc
>>         in min(self, axis, out, fill_value)
>>            5054         # No explicit output
>>            5055         if out is None:
>>         -> 5056             result =
>>         self.filled(fill_value).min(axis=axis, out=out).view(type(self))
>>            5057             if result.ndim:
>>            5058                 # Set the mask
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.pyc
>>         in filled(self, fill_value)
>>            3388             return self._data
>>            3389         else:
>>         -> 3390             result = self._data.copy()
>>            3391             try:
>>            3392                 np.putmask(result, m, fill_value)
>>         MemoryError:
>>         {/code}
>>     This is more a NumPy issue than anything else.  We need to know
>>     the min and the max of the array in order to automatically scale
>>     the colormap for display.  Therefore, we query the array object
>>     for its min/max.  Because we support masked arrays, the array is
>>     first cast as a masked array, and then these queries are done.
>>     It appears that in numpy's masked array module, it calculates the
>>     array's min by making a copy of itself first.  I would have
>>     figured that it would have done its task differently.  In the
>>     meantime, I suspect you can work around this problem by explicitly
>>     setting the vmin/vmax keyword arguments to imshow if you know
>>     them.  Therefore, there should be no need to determine the array's
>>     min/max in this inefficient manner.
>>     Ben Root
>     Hi Ben,
>     I tried adding vmin & vmax the the imshow call but I still get a
>     MemoryError.
>     The grid file is 1.15 GB and I have ~4.5 out of 8 GB of memory
>     available when I launch ipython, 3.5 when I execute imshow and 2
>     when I execute plt.draw().

mpl simply is not designed for image-type operations on huge arrays, 
vastly larger than what can be displayed.  It is up to the user to 
down-sample or otherwise reduce the size of the array fed to imshow.

> Well, it looks like setting vmin/vmax helped, because your traceback

Did a new traceback get posted in a message that was not sent to the 
list?  I found only the original traceback.

> shows that the code made significant progress.  The issue here is that
> the process_value() method doesn't make a lot of sense.  I am not sure
> what is the rationale behind its logic.  Hopefully, someone else can
> chime in with an explanation of what is going on.

Normalization has to handle all sorts of inputs--masked or not, all 
sorts of numbers, scalar or array--and it is much easier to do this 
efficiently if all these possibilities are reduced to a very few at the 
start.  Specifically, it needs to supply a copy of the input (so that 
normalization doesn't change the original) in a floating point masked 
array, using float32 if possible for space efficiency.  It needs to keep 
track of whether the input was a scalar, so that normalization can 
return a scalar when given a scalar input.


> In the meantime, are you using a 32 or 64-bit machine?
> Ben Root
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